Everything Everywhere All At Once Deserves Every Award It Won, And Then Some.

Hey everybody! Long time no see. I took a little time off from my blog to work on some personal things. To be honest with you, another big reason for my absence was a lack of motivation. I’m sure you know how that can be. Writing is largely based on mood for me and for the past almost two years, nothing has really made me want to write. That’s not to say that I haven’t watched tv shows and movies during my absence that are worthy of writing about. But something (probably my own insecurities about my work) kept me at bay. But now I’m back! And I have one film to thank for inspiring me: Everything Everywhere All At Once.

Marvel Monday!

I may not be Scorsese or Coppola but here’s my unsolicited opinion on their opinions on the MCU! In an interview about a week ago, Martin Scorsese was cited saying he did not consider the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or the MCU, cinema. Uh oh. Of course, a lot of people were offended about this statement,…

A Starter Pack For Anime Amateurs

I don’t have cookies! BUT, I do have three great anime, picked by yours truly, for anyone looking to delve into the popular Japanese animation style! Attack on Titan (2013- ) This dystopian anime is set in a world where the human race, as we know it, is all but extinct due to a mysterious…

All About Anime!

my thoughts on the recent surge of anime interest and advice for folks who want to get into it but don’t know where to start Lately on social media, anime has been a big topic of discussion. I don’t know if I can say for sure that its popularity is increasing; anime has had both…