The Mandalorian meets The Jedi

In this week’s installment of The Mandalorian, entitled “The Jedi”, Mando is finally going to complete his mission to unite The Child with his own kind; the legendary Jedi Knights. And not just any Jedi, the nomadic duo find Ahsoka Tano, the padawan learner of Anakin Skywalker, and one of the greatest Jedi to ever…

Some Thoughts I Had While Watching Hamilton.

Disney+ recently released a live recording of Lin Manuel-Miranda’s Broadway Hit Hamilton, and as someone who loves musicals but was not able to see the production on Broadway, I was extremely excited to see if Hamilton lived up to the hype it’s been generating since it was first released. Here are my thoughts. SPOILER ALERT….

“A Goofy Movie“: Why it Still Stands Out 25 Years Later

From 1989-1999, Disney released what many would still consider their most critically acclaimed films. Millions of moviegoers dove under the sea with Ariel, watched as Simba took his rightful place as King, and surfed through the jungle with Tarzan. For 10 years, The House of Mouse couldn’t miss. And in 1995, they released a film…

The Best (And The Worst) Of Disney’s Direct-to-VHS Sequels

Disney has FINALLY blessed us with a streaming service that features almost all of its classic films and tv shows. As we all scramble to pump our veins with nostalgia, we have to accept the truth: Not all of the Disney content we remember from our childhood is… well, good. The House of Mouse has…

Spider-Man: A Mouse Is Not A Home

my thoughts on Spider-Man’s live-action portrayals and the recent Marvel Studios/Sony split In 2015, Marvel Studios announced that newcomer, Tom Holland, would be the MCU’s Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Fans and critics were skeptical, to say the least. In the last 13 years, we’d already seen two different Spider-Mans. Now, I’m not going to try to…