Justice For: Varys, The Spider of Lys

In its final season, Game of Thrones saw a decline in many areas, one of the most obvious being the characters. More specifically, their characterization. It felt like in order to push the narrative along, the showrunners decided that, despite taking seasons to set up and develop this world and it’s residents, the characters were…

Justice For: James Marsden

“Justice For” is a new series on E Watches TV, where I talk about a character that I feel deserved better than what they got. Today’s subject: The many characters of James Marsden! James Marsden is a pretty famous actor. Even if his name isn’t ringing any bells, you’d probably recognize his face immediately. Perhaps…

“A Goofy Movie“: Why it Still Stands Out 25 Years Later

From 1989-1999, Disney released what many would still consider their most critically acclaimed films. Millions of moviegoers dove under the sea with Ariel, watched as Simba took his rightful place as King, and surfed through the jungle with Tarzan. For 10 years, The House of Mouse couldn’t miss. And in 1995, they released a film…

Justice For: Imani Izzi

I was thinking about Eddie Murphy the other day, mainly because I had just finished talking to my friend about Boomerang, which is one of my favorite romantic comedies. If you haven’t ever seen it, please remedy that immediately. It’s not like you have anything else to do. Back to my point, thinking about Eddie…

E.’s List Of Loves She Loves!

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope your day is filled with love, and if not love then chocolate, and if you don’t like chocolate… I don’t know what to tell you, my darling. In honor of Cupid’s busiest day of the year, I have compiled a list (in no particular order) of some of my favorite…

Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die.

He was The Black Mamba. The subject of “GOAT” arguments that could last for what felt like days. A generation of kids grew up yelling his name as their balled up pieces of paper bounced off the wall and into the trash can. Kobe Bryant was this generation’s Michael Jordan. Fan or not, if you…

Give Steve Rogers a Break.

my thoughts on what happened between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers during Captain America: Civil War Today’s post is kind of random, but it was inspired by the tweet posted above, which I saw yesterday while scrolling through the TL. The tweet, which has since gone viral, addresses the Iron Man-Captain America beef that we…

The Best (And The Worst) Of Disney’s Direct-to-VHS Sequels

Disney has FINALLY blessed us with a streaming service that features almost all of its classic films and tv shows. As we all scramble to pump our veins with nostalgia, we have to accept the truth: Not all of the Disney content we remember from our childhood is… well, good. The House of Mouse has…