A Special Spooky Flick-List For All My Scaredy Cats.


Do you love Halloween, but are scared of your own shadow? You’re not alone. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but I’d be lying if I said I was a fan of outright horror. Heck, I’d be lying if I said I can watch the Thriller music video by myself without the lights on. But I haven’t let that stop me from getting the most out of spooky season and neither should you. So here’s a couple of my personal favorite Halloween movies for all my fellow Chuckie Finsters out there!


A classic. You can’t go wrong with a Disney made movie about a girl who discovers that her favorite grandma is a power who lives in alternate dimension where it’s Halloween all the time. The story is doesn’t require you watching through your fingers, and it also has the nostalgia factor. And who doesn’t love that? Plus, Halloweentown is a film series, (even though the fourth installment is a complete disgrace) so you can have a movie marathon if you want!

*You can find Halloweentown in full on Disney’s official Youtube Channel or just playing on Disney Channel at some point in the next couple weeks

Don’t Look Under The Bed

Keeping in line with Disney Original Movies; next up we have Don’t Look Under The Bed. Now if Halloweentown was a little too weenie for you (see what I did there?) this one is perfect for you. Strange things start happening around town and all the evidence is pointing to 13-year-old Francis McCausland as the culprit. But Francis is innocent and she’s going to find out who is setting her up, but how? Cue Larry Houdini, a goofy teenage boy who claims he’s an imaginary friend. He’s here to help Francis because he knows the truth. Francis is being framed… by a Bogeym– Boogeyperson. In my opinion, this movie is scary. I still refuse to look under my bed without a second party/witness present. If that’s not enough to sell you, It also has a really good message about being scared and what it means to grow up.

*Don’t Look Under The Bed should also be available on the Disney App*

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Do you like musicals? If you said no: too bad!… If you said yes: look no further than this 1970s rock horror comedy sci-fi musical. Based on a 1973 musical stage production by the same name, this movie has to be someone’s fever dream. And I say that in the best way possible. Everything about this movie is bizarre, freaky, and a little off-putting. And if that doesn’t scream Halloween, I’m not sure what does. I won’t get into what the film is about, because it’s more of a “see it to believe it” type of situation and I couldn’t possibly do it justice with a synopsis.

Teen Witch

Is this the greatest movie ever made? Probably. Teen Witch is the story of 15-year-old Louise Miller, a girl who is unpopular and relatively ordinary, discovering that she actually the reincarnation of a very powerful witch. And of course she uses this new found power to garner world peace. Just kidding!! She makes herself popular and gets her crush to fall in love with her. Duh. In the end, she learns that she’s better off just being herself and that popularity doesn’t bring happiness yada yada yada. This movie is definitely the least scary on this list but that’s not the only reason it’s worth the watch. The peak 80s aesthetic, the very cheesy impromptu rap scenes, and the literally magical fashion montages make this movie a must-watch Halloween classic.

Hocus Pocus

I mean, this is an obvious one. I don’t feel like I should have to explain this. So I won’t.

*Hocus Pocus will be playing on Freeform (ABC Family) for 24 hours on Halloween*

It would stand to reason that Tim Burton would make a good Halloween movie. Seeing as he’s basically Halloween personified. Beetlejuice is scary enough that you don’t feel like a complete child, but not that scary so you can still sleep with the lights off. And it’s a unique take on the traditional haunted house story. The ghost are being haunted by the humans and not the other way around. I fought between this and Edward Scissorhands but Edward’s story is more of a beautiful tragedy, and isn’t as fun Michael Keaton terrorizing Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis, and Winona Ryder. All that fun aside, just don’t say his name 3 times. I’m not joking, I don’t play with demons.

A Few Honorable Mentions: Phantom Of The Megaplex, Under Wraps, The Addams Family and The Addams Family Values, Casper, Corpse Bride, Coraline, Monster House

Hope you all enjoy some of my favorites and don’t forget to comment any that I might have missed ! Happy Halloween !

****PLEASE NOTE: Some of these movies are available on streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Starz, etc) but most can be found at 123movies.com

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